In the meantime, I've looked some more at Brad Sach's book. In the first chapter he establishes five categories (his word) of young adults: Progressing, Regrouping, Meandering, Recovering, and Floundering. He described the young adults in each of these categories with broad strokes, and rarely refers to them again in the remainder of the book. In Chapter 1, he identifies a number of developmental tasks for young adults:
- grieve because their childhood is over
- negotiate interdependent relationships with their support group
- establish an identity that is separate from their parents
- develop a personal philosophy
- overcome fears about leaving home
- create conflict with their parents
- engage in an internal dialogue about who they are
- learn to accept advice and assistance
- evaluate their self-management tools and learn new ones
- accept success and failure
- understand the relationship between freedom and responsibility
- learn to balance competing responsibilities
- further regulate emotions and behaviors
- expand their personal story to include being an independent, functional adult
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